Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bite-Size Learning

"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." - Henry Ford

What is bite-size learning?

Bite-size learning is a phrase that has come to prominence in the last five years or so. In particular, promoters of the Learning at Work Day have adopted the phrase to refer to training courses that can be run for employees in the workplace without impinging too greatly on their output.

An obvious implication of the phrase 'bite-size' is that whatever it is, it's a small chunk that can be easily digested - in the case of learning, quickly learned and easily remembered. It means offering a small number of easily remembered pieces of information is something that training providers should bear in mind when constructing their training packages.

Click here to read the full article

Contributed By:
Ipsita Pramanick - PGDM 6
HR – Major
(Globsyn Business School - Kolkata)

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